You have been invited to participate in the process of unfolding your soul and manifesting your divine spark of creation here on this plane. Your incarnation is proof of your acceptance of that invitation. Yet we incarnate forgetting that is our purpose and no one teaches us how to regain that memory in a real sense.

The Owner’s Manual for the soul teaches the how’s and why’s in simple non-judgmental tracks of information.
This seminar includes no meditation techniques, nothing magickal, no complicated qabala. I simply share tracts that relate to my spiritual understanding of the process. The tracts look like this:

A.002 The first and only illusion is separation.

• All is unified with That Which Creates
• The sense of otherness we feel, including loneliness and disconnectedness from each other and the divine is the illusion
• Everything is connected to everything.

Tracts are simple sentences with a few bullet points of explanation.

A.003 The role of the human soul, being created by G-d, is to descend and manifest upon this earth in full form. Thus, becoming a representative of the divine forces of creation.
No background on the tracts will be provided. There are no explanations. The tracts will simply be presented, and any questions will be answered.

A.011 The soul, being co-creator, can be prayed to and directly communicated with.

This is a work in progress. Spirit has told me that I will receive two to three hundred of these. Currently there are about forty tracts. I am sharing this now because it contains information that will help you begin manifesting your creative spark on this earth immediately and because presenting at this time will help me design this project in a way that is best understood by others. Your feedback will be helpful because this is a work in progress.

This class in only $10. Please see the date and time below.

Join us on Zoom, Tuesday, February 22nd from 6:00-7:30 PM. You will be sent a link prior to the beginning of class. I suggest you log on just a bit early, so you do not miss anything.