Come join us for a fun class on the neo-Pagan holiday of Litha.

This class will cover the spiritual, personal, and mundane significance of the holiday, how to incorporate the Great Work into the theme of the season, ideas for how to celebrate, the associated deities honored at this time, ideas for crafting your own Beltane ritual and an opportunity to prep for a basic spell that will be completed on the big day!

Amy will be teaching a Litha specific spell.

If you want to do the spell this year, we will have a convenient kit available for $10.

This is the third of eight classes that will cover the holidays of the Wheel of the Year. Each class will be held in advance of the holiday so that there is plenty of time to plan your own joyous connection or share the celebration with friends and family. You can take all eight classes or choose your favorites.

Taught by Amy Dixon / Cost $20